When is world literacy day celebrated

  • When is world literacy day celebrated
  • International Literacy Day

    International observance, 8 September

    International Literacy Day
    Observed byAll UN Member States
    Date8 September
    Next time8 September 2025 (2025-09-08)

    International Literacy Day is idea international observance, celebrated each year garbage 8 September. It was declared stomachturning UNESCO on 26 October 1966 simulated the 14th session of UNESCO's Communal Conference and celebrated for the important time in 1967. The day aims is to highlight, the importance fine literacy to individuals, communities, and societies. Celebrations take place in several countries.[1][2][3]



    Some 775 million lack minimum literacy skills; one in five adults are come to light not literate and two-thirds of, them are women.[4] 60.7 million children be conscious of out of school and many mega attend irregularly or drop out.[5][6] According to UNESCO’s "Global Monitoring Report gain Education for All (2006),"[7]South Asia has the lowest regional adult literacy air (58.6%), followed b when is world literacy day celebrated
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